The show has used various sources for the period just after the Napoleonic Wars, up to the birth of Queen Victoria. This list provides the general materials for the Congress of Vienna, the eruption of Mt Tambora, and general social conditions of the period. I will add to this list as the show goes on. The sources for the Peterloo Massacre will appear separately as it is a unique and significant event.

Inevitably we will occasionally refer to these years as background to future episodes, so this is a living document. As the episodes for these years share themes, most sources listed have been used for multiple episodes.

The Year without Summer and the Volcano that changed darkened the world and changed history was especially useful and formed a large chunk of the background sourcing for the Tambora episodes. It is highly readable and I recommend it.

  1. The Congress of Vienna by Harold Nicolson
  2. The Congress of Vienna Rites of Peace Adam Zamoyski
  3. Russia as a great power, 1815–2007 by Iver B. Neumann pub Journal of International Relations and Development, 2008, 11, (128–151)
  4. The Year without Summer and the Volcano that changed darkened the world and changed history by William and Nicolas Klingaman.
  5. The Master Manipulator: A Historical Analysis of Metternich’s Statecraft by  Christopher D’Urso
  6. Eruptions that shook the world by Clive Oppenheimer.
  7. The Year without a Summer: The history and legacy of the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora. Charles Rivers Editors.
  8. Ships’ Log-Books, Sea Ice and the Cold Summer of 1816 in Hudson Bay and Its  Approaches by A.J.W. CATCHPOLE’ and MARCIA-ANNE  FAURER’
  9. The rise and fall of the British Empire by Lawrence James.
  10. America Empire of Liberty by David Reynolds
  11. Progress: its laws and causes by H Spencer.
  12. A History of the cost of living by John Burnett
  13. Old World New Word by Kathleen Burk
  14. Childe Harolds Pilgrimage by Lord Byron.
  15. Frankenstein by Mary Shelly.
  16. The Vampyre by John Polidori
  17. The geography of poor relief expenditure in late eighteenth and early nineteenth century rural Oxfordshire
  18. The making of the English Working Class by E.P. Thompson
  19. Manchester in the  Victorian Age: The Half Known City by Gary Messinger
  20. Newport Mon South Wales UK from 1800 to 1829 (
  21. Disease and the Modern World. (Harrison)
  22. Age of Revolution 1789-1848 by Hobsbawm
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