Tag: Sir Alexander Burnes


This episode continues the exploration of the Anglo-Afghan War, focusing on the British occupation and the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. Key topics covered include:

  • Death of Sir Henry Durand: The episode begins by discussing the tragic death of Lt. Henry Durand, a prominent British officer, who was crushed by an elephant while passing through a low gateway.
  • The British Army: The episode provides a brief overview of the ranks of the British Army during the Victorian era.
  • The attempted return of Dost Mohammed: Dost Mohammed, the former Afghan king, returns to Afghanistan and begins to gather forces to challenge British rule.
  • British Mistakes: The episode highlights several critical mistakes made by the British, including the establishment of a vulnerable cantonment and the appointment of an incompetent commander.
  • Ruling by Fear and Western Views on Oriental Despotism: The episode discusses the British belief in the need to rule through fear and intimidation in Asian countries, reflecting Western views on “Oriental despotism.” This approach proved to be counterproductive and further alienated the Afghan population.
  • General Elphinstone: The episode highlights the incompetence and poor leadership of General Elphinstone, who was appointed to command the British forces in Afghanistan despite his lack of experience and health problems.
  • Growing Hostility: The Afghan population becomes increasingly hostile towards the British, fuelled by cultural clashes, economic hardship, and the perception of British arrogance.

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This episode focuses on the continuation of the British invasion of Afghanistan in 1839. Here are the key things I cover:

  • British capture Kandahar: The poorly prepared British army, led by Generals Keane and Cotton, struggles through deserts and mountains but manages to capture Kandahar with little resistance. Shah Shuja is reinstated as king, but the locals are not enthusiastic.
  • Difficulties and discontent: The British underestimate the logistical challenges and the hostility of the Afghan people. Food shortages, inflation, and a lack of military intelligence create problems for the British.
  • Siege of Ghazni: The heavily fortified city of Ghazni stands in the way of the British advance. Despite lacking siege equipment, the British launch a desperate night attack led by Lieutenant Durand and his engineers. After a fierce battle, the British capture the city following a bloody urban warfare.
  • British brutality: The capture of Ghazni is marred by a brutal rampage by British and Sepoy troops who loot the city and commit rape and murder.
  • Fall of Dost Mohammed: The fall of Ghazni and illness of his son force Afghan king Dost Mohammed to flee Kabul and negotiate with the British. He proposes a power-sharing deal that is rejected by the British.
  • Arrival of Shah Shuja: Shah Shuja returns to Kabul as king, but has no real support from the Afghan people. The British establish a military presence in the city.
  • British incompetence: The episode concludes by highlighting the poor leadership and outdated tactics of the British army.
  • Next episode: The upcoming episode will delve into the disastrous failures of the British occupation and their eventual retreat from Afghanistan.