Episode 007 Waterloo Pt 2: Into the cannon’s mouth

This episode covers the early stages of the battle, including the desperate struggle for Hougoumont which has been immortalised in art, film and British Army legend. It goes on to cover the huge opening roar of the cannons of the Grand Battery. Covers the great strain on the defenders, the preparations for the main French attack of the day, and the arrival of the Prussians.
Episode Outline
What was Hougoumont and why was it important?
Who were the defenders?
Who was attacking and how did it go?
Where was the Grand Battery?
What could it do?
How was it used?
Was it effective?
D’Erlon getting into formation.
D’Erlon moving forwards.
Prussians sighted.
The assault reaches the hedge
The fight for La Hay Sainte
Dubois and the French cavalry
Can the Scotts save the Allies?
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1 thought on “Episode 007 Waterloo Pt 2: Into the cannon’s mouth”

  1. Michele Packham

    WOW that was a cracking episode…plenty of action and detail, good background input and….a cliff hanger of an ending

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